Topic outline
Enhancing the social inclusion of low income single parents
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Useful information / Completion criteria
Each Unit includes the educational content, an assessment quiz and additional documents of practical exercises and evaluation tools to download and use for future reference.
You can navigate freely through the course area and study the educational material at your own pace.
In case you want to acquire the certificate of attendance you need to meet the following criteria:1. Study at least the 70% of each unit's content.
2. Score at least 70% in each assessment quiz.Upon completion of the above requirements, you will be able to download your certificate.
About the course
Project Based Learning
Additional resources
Unit 1: Communication Competence in the Mother Tongue
In this section the practitioners will get a set of skills and methods to foster with single parents in the area of communication in their own mother tongue. Communication in their own language is the first step in developing any kind of relationship and/or business so this competence is the one that should be developed first.
Additional Resources:
Unit 2: Mathematical competence and basic competence in science and technology
The learning objective of this chapter is to provide guidelines to practitioners who support low skilled/low qualified single parents and to further extend their competences in the teaching of numeracy, science and technology. The aim is to provide tailored training in developing these key competences that will contribute to improved access to labour market and self-development of low skilled/ low qualified single parents.
The main focus of this chapter will be on providing tools and new ideas for practitioners who support single parents on what they should know and do to ensure the safety and wellbeing of themselves and of their children. In particular, single parents are often working parents and many kids simply take care of themselves for the whole or part of the time that a parent is at work. Therefore, it is of high importance for children to have knowledge about their safety, what to do in case of an emergency as well as to spend their time wisely and also helping their parents. Also, this section will address the importance and application of mathematics, science and technology and will make readers aware that these competences play a fundamental role in society, from a simple purchase of a product and effectively manage of monthly budget to complex situations of everyday life.
Additional resources
Unit 3: Digital Competences
This chapter is written for adult trainers of low skilled single parents, who want to know more about digital skills and how to foster them in their trainees. It is both a reference and a practical chapter. It will provide the necessary equipment for the trainers to start producing their own activities and in the meantime, it will provide them with a model project in order to see in practice how PBL works. But before, a small introduction about key concepts of digital skills will follow.
Additional resources
Unit 4: Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship competences
The learning objective of this chapter is to provide the guidelines for practitioners who support low skilled/low qualified (single) parents with the aim to extend/enhance the practitioners competences in the teaching of entrepreneurial skills, so that they are able to provide tailored training and support to single parents in developing these skills and key competences, in order to foster their employability and socio-educational and personal development (which also enhance their social inclusion).
Additional resources
Unit 5: Learning to learn competences
In this chapter, the learner will undergo a series of exercises centered on the development of competencies and skills related to the process of learning. The learner will understand how:
- to identify his/her main aim and the main point of a piece of text (extracting the main themes, its usefulness, conclusions, etc.);
- to manage and organize new information for a clearer and more effective understanding;
- to manage one’s own time when studying or learning something new (through planning methods);
- to assess and identify their own level of need and how to find adequate support or resources (through personal contacts, digital resources, etc.,);
- to develop an adequate concentration level when attending new information or studying it (through focused attention techniques);
- to share the main points and ideas of a learnt experience or piece of information in a clear and understandable way (public speech abilities).
Additional resources
Unit 6: Social and civic competences
Additional resources
Post-training evaluation questionnaire
Certificate of attendance
List of Trainers